miércoles, 6 de enero de 2010

sábado, 2 de enero de 2010

Joannas Diary: a TGirl Blog : Warning, May Contain Nuts

Joannas Diary: a TGirl Blog : Warning, May Contain Nuts

A very nice blog and great information, a very interesting subject. Hypnotic feminization affirmations can help to plant new messages into the subconscious mind and override those old masculine thoughts, traits, gestures, posture, walk, and voice. Using a deep enough state of trance, hypnosis can transform these old unwanted habits into new feminine aspects and image. feminization hypnosis

jueves, 15 de enero de 2009

Hypnosis : the perfect tool for attracting prosperity and money

How can hypnosis help you to become wealthy?

By seeing it in the invisible form, experiencing it through creative visualization, you are clearing the channels of any opposing negative views, and effects. By loving what you see with passion you are focusing the flow of divine energy using your subconscious mind. By performing hypnotic affirmations, you are taking an act of faith, and putting the secret of prosperity  creating process at a higher or first priority, and to learn to manifest the fulfillment of your desires and wishes, and become more proficient with the treatment, you will find that your consciousness expands until the entire process is accomplished independently of your thinking, with passion and desire.


Here are some typical affirmations to repeat daily.
  • I am SUCCESSFUL in everything what I tackle.
  • I am a magnet for prosperity, plenty and fortune.
  • I deserve to be rich, and have a lot of wealth like a millionaire.
  • I am free of blockades to the wealth of prosperity.
  • I am free of blockades to the plenty.
  • I have a lot of money for prosperity
  • I have my karma print to attract wealth and plenty.
  • I have the facility of attracting a lot of money and prosperity in abundance.
  • I want to be very rich, today and tomorrow and forever.
  • My beliefs on the cash are healthy.
  • I deserve a fortune of rapid wealth and prosperity.
  • I imagine my fortune and prosperity cast easily.
  • The cash and the plenty are good for me, I am a cash magnet.
  • The cash flows towards me in abundance, in the shape of tickets dollars you free, and euros.
  • cash and wealths are my salvation.
what is the secret power to earn money and wealth by using the power of visualization and get rich fast?
The benefits are great, including the increase of the self-confidence, of  self-esteem, of  pride and of  optimism. ... positive affirmations are positive declarations that you write and/or read every day until what you wish is evident in your life. To read and to write repeatedly positive affirmations about money, and prosperity  is another powerful tool that always works. The use of the positive affirmations is one of the most powerful things that you can do to help you. The Universal Law of the Attraction is a very simple and very powerful law that allows us to create our reality. This law establishes that everything which flows out must return. The imagination was granted to you so that you could come out of your physical world,  although it is a small step towards what you love to do, you will be always supported and many doors will begin to be opened. I have learned that is our birth right having plenty, prosperity and wealth.  This means to focus and speak about all the wonderful things that happen in our lives and of those who are on the point of happening. This will attract what you wish for towards you in forms that you never imagined, and much more quickly than you believed. 
How to make money using the dynamic laws of prosperity to create easy money and fast cash?
 Soon you will attract the circumstances, persons and wealth  towards you so that this car (or the better one) is really yours. "To act as if" it is another way of supporting your fortune pointing at what you wish. It redounds to our benefit to think and to speak about our plenty instead of in our financial problems.
Here are some typical affirmations for prosperity: 
  • The creative spirit of my karma in me, enriches my thoughts. 
  • I am full of enthusiasm and my life is prosperous.
  • I am a spiritual being, heir of the plenty of the kingdom of my karma.
  • My life prospers and prospers.
  • I thank for the prosperous ideas of my karma that inspire me to live through a gratifying and full life.
  • I am a dear creation of my karma, and I trust in your provision that satisfies any good desire. 

The more use your affirmations on cash and prosperity, the more quickly the affirmations will turn into beliefs. And your beliefs will turn into your reality. To be able to create prosperity in our lives, we have to replace our limiting beliefs. There is no another way. This means to be responsible for our life. It means to be ready to change. Another powerful way of accelerating the events is to focus in the motive or meaning of what you wish. For example, if what you wish is an important quantity of fortune and a lot of money, he thinks what is what exists behind this money. You have heard many of you speaking about the power of the positive affirmations to create what we wish in the life, especially cash. If you have taken beliefs as those that I mentioned at the beginning of this article, beliefs that have been separating you of what you wanted, the use of  positive affirmations is fundamental. We support these beliefs during all our life, on  fortune,  prosperity and cash.